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Delivering Upside Potential for Our Clients

Introducing the people, process, and philosophy of Rothschild & Co Asset Management US Inc., the subadvisor to Pacific Funds U.S. Equity Funds.


Douglas J. Levine, CFA
Managing Director

Growing up, my father and my grandfather taught me a lot about finances, and always talked about managing your finances and saving money, especially for that rainy day. Also, focusing on investing for the future. I think it really taught me there’s a nice balance between investing to create wealth, but also it’s important to protect capital. If you look at Rothschild and how we manage, that’s consistent with how we manage our portfolios.

Tina Jones, CFA
Chief Investment Officer

We generate our investment ideas using an internally-developed and time-tested idea generation tool. What that tool helps us do is take a very large universe of stocks and focus it to a narrower subset of stocks that--first of all--have a higher likelihood of outperforming the market but really most importantly have the characteristics that we are looking for as analysts and portfolio managers.

Paul Roukis, CFA
Managing Director

We also overlay fundamental research analysis, recognizing that a ranking system can't interpret or quantify all the information out there, that's there's qualitative judgments that have to be made. So, we have a seasoned team of investment professionals that spend the majority of our time doing fundamental analysis.

Luis Ferreira, CFA
Managing Director

We seek stocks that are attractively-valued versus peers that can provide expectational upside. By that I mean stocks that can exceed expectations from investors--from the marketplace. For example, if a stock is expected to grow 10 percent and it delivers growth that is 20 percent that is significant upside. However, if there's a stock that is expected to grow one or two percent, say, a large, mature company and delivers a three to four percent, that's still expectational upside. That is what we're looking for-stocks across all sectors that can do that for investors.

Paul Roukis, CFA
Managing Director

I could say every day is different. Every day I learn something new. I try to connect the dots to find the best investment ideas for our clients, and it's not just about finding good stocks, it's about constructing portfolios and managing risk to give our clients the best return over time possible.


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